
Warm Up for all:
4 Rounds
10 Walking Lunges forward
10 Walking Lunges backward
10 Sit Ups

Workout Choices:(sort of..based on level and my input)

1. 2 miles 1 mile, second mile stop every 100 meters and do 10 push ups

2. 5 rounds
40 m bear crawl
30 sit ups
20 burpees
10 push ups(chest must hit floor!!)
rest two minutes between rounds

3.  5 rounds
Run 400 10 burpees

Workout choice should also be based on your goals...beginners looking to get faster, choice 3 is for you..anyone looking to do a 5 k, do choice 1.  Monica and anyone left out of 1 and 3, will do 2.

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