Mo'Fitter Of The Month


We don't always feature Mo'Fitters of the Month, but when someone really stands out, we love to honor them on the site.  And what better day than Genevieve's Birthday to let everyone know about her accomplishments!
Genevieve has come such a long way since first walking into Mo'Fit.  She will tell you herself she didn't think she was going to last the first month.  Now she takes on every challenge and has run in two road races this month....with amazing times!
We are so proud of your accomplishments at Mo'Fit, and look forward to hitting many more goals and milestones with you.  Have a fabulous Birthday!!


Christina said...

Well deserved!! Happy birthday/mofitter of the month Genevieve!

Christina said...

Well deserved!! Happy birthday/mofitter of the month Genevieve!

G. said...

Not worthy!! This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you Molly & Percy and to all the amazing Mo'Fitters, who inspire me in so many ways. Love you all!!

Julie said...

Congrats Genevieve! So awesome - keep it going!!